Contact Page

Other Contacts of Interest:

Hopedale Residents:
State Representative

Marie Parente (D)
10th Worcester District
State House Room 466 
Boston, MA 02133
phone: 617-722-2017
fax:  617-722-2813
email: Rep.MarieParente@

US Representative
Richard E Neal (D)
2nd Congressional District
2133 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington DC 20515
phone: 202-225-5601
4 Congress St
Milford MA 01757
phone: 508-634-8198

Grafton and Upton Residents:
State Representative

George N Peterson, Jr (R)
9th Worcester District
State House Room 124
Boston MA 02133
phone: 617-722-2100
fax: 617-722-2390
email: Rep.GeorgePeterson@

US Representative
James (Jim) P. McGovern (D)
3rd Congressional District
430 Canon Building
Washington DC 20515
phone: 202-225-6101
fax: 202-225-5759
34 Mechanic St
Worcester MA 01608
phone: 508-831-7356
fax: 508-754-0982

All Residents:
State Senator
2nd Worcester District
Guy Glodis
State House Room 413B
Boston MA 02133
phone: 617-722-1485
email: GGlodis@

Below is a quick form to complete if you would like me to contact you or you are interested in contributing to this exciting project.  Also included are a few questions which give us some guidance and insight to those who visit this website.  Please come back to this site in the near future, as we will post any and all new information here as well. Answer only those questions you wish.

NOTE: I have been having difficulties with information sending. If a failure occurs, please email direct to  We look forward to this being fixed by 12/5/03.  Thank you.


First Name:       
Last Name:     
Address Line 2:  (apt., suite, etc.)
State:     ex. MA
ZIP Code:  (5 digits only)
Phone number:   ex. (508) 123-4567
e-mail address:     
Best way to contact you: (for multiple selections, hold down your Shift key while selecting)
Best time to contact you: 

DEMOGRAPHICS  (completely voluntary - we keep this information separate from our CONTACT information).

Your age: (enter a whole number - no need to lie)
Your gender:
Do you own your Home?:
How many people are in your household? (enter a number, again whole numbers only)
Do you have any school aged children (Kindergarten - 12th grade)?:
How did you hear of   (multiple selections ok)


Please add your comments, suggestions below:


Would you be interested in volunteering to help make this project a reality? 

How would you like to help out? 


If asked, would you make a contribution to this project to help ensure its success?

Do you feel that this project should develop partnerships with local, regional, and national companies to help differ the cost of this project, even if it means there may be advertising opportunities for these groups along the trail?  


Do you feel that this project should receive the full endorsement of our local and national politicians?  



© MMII-MMIII Scott Conlin /
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last updated: 12/1/03